Friday, January 8, 2010

God in the Code

People have often looks at the natural world and attempted to unravel what it tells us about God. Most times we look at the simple aspects of nature such as the movement of the seasons, life and death, or even a bird's song to learn about the nature of our Creator. I believe that the one who organized the simple things of the world, also organized the complex. Perhaps it is even easier to see God through the complex things of the world than through the simple (why else create the complex?) even if the view is somewhat muddled. Henry Thoreau once sought to escape the complexities of life through solitude and self sufficiency, but wasn't his desire born out of complexities?
What this has lead me to believe is that God is as present in a computer as he is in the forest. His nature isn't just releaved in the plants and animals, stars and planets, but also in every form of hobby, craft, and business that we undertake.
I plan to compile (puns will be plentiful) my thoughts on my own craft (computer programming) in order to see what it tells me about God and perhaps what aspects it may share with other beliefs I have come across.

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